Explore Local Cities Info

Easily find anything in your city (e.g.: business directories, area codes, zip codes and LEI-Legal Entity Identifier). We offer you a wide range of options so you can find what you need. Easily find anything in your city (e.g.: business directories, area codes, zip codes and LEI-Legal Entity Identifier). We offer you a wide range of options so you can find what you need.

Online Business Directory USA

Online Business Directory USA

Basic information on companies incorporated in the United States can be found in the directory, which you can search by industry search or state or city listing.
Whether you are looking for nearly 23,000 industry directories such as doctors, lawyers, pharmacies, restaurants, etc., it is easy to find the phone numbers, addresses, email, directions and other information you want.

Get Started Now
LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) für Deutschland

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) für Deutschland

Nutzen Sie unser LEI-Check-Tool, um die Gültigkeit der LEI-Nummer einer in Deutschland registrierten Institution zu überprüfen. Rechtsträger-ID, Offizieller Name, LEI-Registrierungsstatus, Adressen und andere Informationen sind auf einen Blick ersichtlich.

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) für Deutschland
Area Code Lookup United States

Area Code Lookup United States

Just enter a city name or area code into the search field. Get the accurate area code information of the corresponding city in the United States or the city information of the area code with one click. Find existing area codes and phone numbers and caller ID information for a specific city.
Currently, there are around 320 geographic area codes in use in the 50 states plus D.C.

Get Started Now
ZIP Code Directory United States

ZIP Code Directory United States

You want to write a letter or package to a friend or relative in a city such as New York City or Los Angeles, just enter the city name or zip code in the search field. Get the accurate zip code information of the corresponding city in the United States or the city information of the zip code with one click. Currently our data has more than 40,000 zip codes in the United States.

ZIP Code Search
ZIP Code Directory United States

About SoSou

Our service is to explore US city information for free for users all over the world. Anyone can easily find anything in your city (for example: business directories, area codes, zip codes, and LEI identification numbers for legal entities).

Online Business Directory Lookup

Whether you're looking for directories of doctors, lawyers, pharmacies, restaurants, and nearly 23,000 other industries, you'll find it right here. You can search by industry or by state or city. Registered business information at a glance, including location, phone number and rating.

LEI number verification

With the LEI Check tool you can check the validity of the LEI number of an organization registered in the United States. Results include: Legal Entity ID, Legal Entity Name, LEI Registration Status, Address and more.

Area Code and Phone Number Search

Free service to find US area codes and phone numbers. Just enter a city name or area code into the search field. Get the accurate area code information of the corresponding city in the United States or the city information of the area code with one click. You can also use the first digit of the area code and the first letter of the city/region to look up a phone area code.

US zip codes and addresses

If you enter your postcode on your letter or parcel slip, you can use our services to verify that the postcode is correct.

It is a free service that allows you to easily add business or company information without registration. You just have to go through the navigation on the top right corner of the site and follow the steps to add information. Note that more detailed information is to your advantage.

Is there a fee to register?

Do not. Registration of business or company information is free.

Free Register Your Company

You can update information using the "Edit Information" button on the shop/company details page.
Follow the prompts to add complete and up-to-date information. This allows you to gain an edge over your peers and greatly increase your chances of attracting potential clients.
Before updating the page, you must receive confirmation from the administrator. Updates can take between 5 days and 2 weeks.

Please familiarize yourself with our service policies before registering with the business directory. If the following business listings are found to be in violation of the posting policy after review, we have the right to refuse to publish relevant information without prior notice to the publisher.

Information on the Internet is also protected and restricted by law, and various laws and regulations must be complied with.

Please do not register companies and businesses engaged in anti-minor services, adult services, escort services, international matchmakers, etc.

Advertisements, services, photos and texts that violate public order and good morals are prohibited.

Pictures, illustrations and videos that infringe copyright and portrait rights are not permitted.

If you do not follow the precautions outlined in the guidelines, we may refuse posting.

01 Search stores/companies by keyword
You can enter "keyword (required)" and "phone number" in the search box to search.

02 Search by Keyword Legal Entity ID, Legal Name
You can search for company information by entering "Company Name (required)" and "LEI Number" in the search box.

03 Search Phone Area Codes by Keyword
You can enter "area code" and "phone number" in the search box to search for phone number information.

04 Search Zip Codes by Keyword
You can search for zip code information by entering a postal code and address in the search box.

01 Search stores/companies by keyword
You can enter "keyword (required)" and "phone number" in the search box to search.

Search stores/companies

02 Search by Keyword Legal Entity ID, Legal Name
You can search for company information by entering "Company Name (required)" and "LEI Number" in the search box.


03 Search Phone Area Codes by Keyword
You can enter "area code" and "phone number" in the search box to search for phone number information.

Search Phone Area Codes

04 Search Zip Codes by Keyword
You can search for zip code information by entering a postal code and address in the search box.

Search Zip Codes

Due to the nature of the free service, the accuracy of the information on the website cannot be guaranteed 100%. Deletion of information is required in the event of closure or relocation. Please contact us via the contact page. Please clearly fill in the address of the page to be deleted and other materials to prove ownership. We will delete it in time after confirmation. You may not be notified in the middle. Please continue to pay attention to updating the page information of the website.